Source code for alab.analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2015 University of Southern California and
#                          Nan Hua
# Authors: Nan Hua
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
__author__  = "Nan Hua"

__license__ = "GPL"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__email__   = ""

import numpy as np
import os.path
import h5py
import cPickle as pickle
import matrix
import utils
import files
import copy
import plots

[docs]class structuresummary(object): """ This class offers a series of methods to study the model structure populations. Parameters ---------- target : str the output directory for population structures, containing copy\*.hms files or can be seen as summary file \*.hss usegrp : str the probablility key used in modeling, e.g. p005j nstruct : int number of structures to read """ def __init__(self,target,usegrp=None,nstruct=10000,pid=10,**kwargs): if os.path.isdir(target): #the target is a valid population structure directory if usegrp==None: raise RuntimeError, "group key is not specified!" firststr = files.modelstructures(os.path.join(target,"copy0.hms"),[usegrp]) self.idx = firststr.idx self.genome = firststr.genome self.usegrp = usegrp self.nbead = len(self.idx) self.nstruct = nstruct self.radius = firststr[-1].r print("reading %d structures info in %s,%s"%(nstruct,target,usegrp)) while nstruct%pid != 0: pid = int(pid/2) self._readStructures(target,pid,**kwargs) elif os.path.isfile(target) and os.path.splitext(target)[1] == '.hss': h5f = h5py.File(target,'r') self.idx = h5f['idx'][:] self.genome = pickle.loads(h5f['genome'].value) self.usegrp = pickle.loads(h5f['usegrp'].value) self.nbead = pickle.loads(h5f['nbead'].value) self.nstruct = pickle.loads(h5f['nstruct'].value) self.radius = h5f['radius'][:] self.coordinates = h5f['coordinates'][:] self.score = h5f['score'][:] self.consecutiveViolations = h5f['consecutiveViolations'][:] self.contactViolations = h5f['contactViolations'][:] self.intraRestraints = h5f['intraRestraints'][:] self.interRestraints = h5f['interRestraints'][:] else: raise RuntimeError, "Invalid filename or file directory!" #- return None #==============================reading def _readStructures(self,target,pid,silence=True): """ starting to read structures """ import multiprocessing coor_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct*self.nbead*2*3) #10000 * 4640 * 3 consecVio_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct) contactVio_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct) score_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct) intrares_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct) interres_shared = multiprocessing.Array('d',self.nstruct) readpool = [] for k in range(pid): start = k*(self.nstruct/pid) end = (k+1)*(self.nstruct/pid) process = multiprocessing.Process(target=self._readInfo, args=(target,start,end,self.usegrp, coor_shared, consecVio_shared, contactVio_shared, score_shared, intrares_shared, interres_shared,silence)) process.start() readpool.append(process) for process in readpool: process.join() self.coordinates = np.frombuffer(coor_shared.get_obj()).reshape((self.nstruct,self.nbead*2,3)) self.score = np.frombuffer(score_shared.get_obj()) self.consecutiveViolations = np.frombuffer(consecVio_shared.get_obj()) self.contactViolations = np.frombuffer(contactVio_shared.get_obj()) self.intraRestraints = np.frombuffer(intrares_shared.get_obj()) self.interRestraints = np.frombuffer(interres_shared.get_obj()) return 0 def _readInfo(self,target,start,end,usegrp, coor_shared, consecVio_shared,contactVio_shared, score_shared, intrares_shared,interres_shared,silence=True): """ Read in all information """ arr = np.frombuffer(coor_shared.get_obj()) modelcoor = arr.reshape((self.nstruct,self.nbead*2,3)) #10000 * 4640 * 3 for i in range(start,end): try: if not silence: print(i) sts = files.modelstructures(os.path.join(target,'copy'+str(i)+'.hms'),[usegrp]) modelcoor[i][:] = sts[0].xyz score_shared[i] = sts[0].score try: consecVio_shared[i] = sts[0].consecutiveViolations contactVio_shared[i] = sts[0].contactViolations except: consecVio_shared[i] = np.nan contactVio_shared[i] = np.nan try: intrares_shared[i] = sts[0].intraRestraints interres_shared[i] = sts[0].interRestraints except: intrares_shared[i] = np.nan interres_shared[i] = np.nan except RuntimeError: print("Can't find result for copy %s , %s at %s" %(str(i),usegrp,os.path.join(target,'copy'+str(i)+'.hms'))) return 0 #----------------------------
[docs] def findBinIndex(self,chrom,start,end): """ To find bead indexes given a chromosome region Parameters ---------- chrom : str chromosome, should match the .idx representation start,end : int location range Returns ------- Bin indexes array, or None if there is no valid ones """ return utils.intersectMatrixIndex(self.idx,chrom,start,end)
@property def totalRestraints(self): """ Returns ------- numpy array : all restraints for each structure """ return self.interRestraints + self.intraRestraints @property def totalViolations(self): """ Returns ------- numpy array : all violations for each structure """ return self.consecutiveViolations + self.contactViolations @property def violationPercentage(self): """ Returns ------- numpy array : violation percentage for each structure """ return self.totalViolations / self.totalRestraints
[docs] def getContactMap(self,contactRange=1): """ Return contact matrix format contact heatmap """ from scipy.spatial import distance modelmap = matrix.contactmatrix(self.nbead) modelmap.idx = copy.deepcopy(self.idx) modelmap.genome = copy.deepcopy(self.genome) modelmap.resolution = None n = self.nbead*2 dcap = distance.cdist(self.radius,-self.radius)*(contactRange+1) cmap = np.zeros((n,n)) for i in range(self.nstruct): if (i+1)*10.0 % self.nstruct == 0: print("%.3f %%"%((i+1)*100.0 / self.nstruct)) #print(i) dist = distance.cdist(self.coordinates[i],self.coordinates[i],'euclidean') submap = dist <= dcap cmap += submap modelmap.matrix = cmap[:n/2,:n/2]+cmap[:n/2,n/2:]+cmap[n/2:,:n/2]+cmap[n/2:,n/2:] modelmap.matrix = modelmap.matrix/self.nstruct/2 return modelmap
[docs] def getPairDistance(self,bead1,bead2): """ Calculate pairwise distance across all structures Parameters ---------- bead1,bead2 : int two bead in a pair, input to calculate distance Returns ------- numpy array that has distance for the bead pair. """ return np.linalg.norm(self.coordinates[:,bead1,:] - self.coordinates[:,bead2,:],axis=1)
[docs] def getAveragePairwiseDistance(self,form='list'): """ Calculate pairwise distance mean for each pair of beads in the structure population Parameters ---------- form : str the return form of the function 'list' return the list form 'matrix' return the matrix form """ pdistMean = np.zeros((2*self.nbead,2*self.nbead)) for i in range(2*self.nbead): for j in range(i+1,2*self.nbead): dist = self.getPairDistance(i,j) pdistMean[i,j] = dist.mean() pdistMean[j,i] = pdistMean[i,j] if form == 'list': return pdistMean[np.triu_indices(2*self.nbead,1)] else: return pdistMean
[docs] def getBeadRadialPosition(self,beads,nucleusRadius=5000.0): """ Calculate radial position for every bead in the input list beads Parameters ---------- beads : array-like list of all beads to calculate nucleusRadius : float radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm) Returns ------- M*N matrix : radial position for all beads in the input and all structures in population M = len(beads) N = number of structures in population """ allrp = [] for i in np.array(beads): rp = np.linalg.norm(self.coordinates[:,i,:],axis=1) / nucleusRadius allrp.append(rp) return np.array(allrp)
[docs] def getABCopyMeanBeadRadialPosition(self,nucleusRadius=5000.0): """ Calculate mean radial position for every bead in structures, and differentiate diploid copy into A/B by inner or outer radial position Parameters ---------- nucleusRadius : float radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm) Returns ------- Two 1-D array : mean radian position for all beads, and first array contains the inner bead in the diploid genome. """ rpA = self.getBeadRadialPosition(range(self.nbead),nucleusRadius) rpB = self.getBeadRadialPosition(range(self.nbead,self.nbead*2),nucleusRadius) rp = np.array([rpA,rpB]) rp.sort(axis=0) #sort rpmean = rp.mean(axis=2) return rpmean[0],rpmean[1]
[docs] def getChromosomeRadialPosition(self,chrom,nucleusRadius=5000.0): """ Calculate radial position for the chrom Parameters ---------- chrom : str the chromosome to calculate nucleusRadius : float radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm) Returns ------- 2N*1 vector : radial position for the chromosome in all structures in population """ Aids = np.flatnonzero(self.idx['chrom'] == chrom) Bids = Aids + self.nbead radial = np.zeros(self.nstruct*2) for i in range(self.nstruct): xyzA = self.coordinates[i][Aids] xyzB = self.coordinates[i][Bids] comA = utils.centerOfMass(xyzA,self.radius[Aids]) comB = utils.centerOfMass(xyzB,self.radius[Bids]) radial[i*2] = np.linalg.norm(comA)/nucleusRadius radial[i*2+1] = np.linalg.norm(comB)/nucleusRadius #- return radial
[docs] def plotRadialPosition(self,figurename,chrom,format='pdf',color='dodgerblue',nucleusRadius=5000.0): """ Plot Radial Position of beads for given chromosome Parameters ---------- figurename : str name of the figure chrom : str given chromosome name color : str given the color for ploting """ Aids = np.flatnonzero(self.idx['chrom'] == chrom) Bids = Aids + self.nbead #calculate average radial position radial = (self.getBeadRadialPosition(Aids,nucleusRadius).mean(axis=1) + self.getBeadRadialPosition(Bids,nucleusRadius).mean(axis=1))/2 #calculate midpos mega = 1.e-6 midpos = mega*(self.idx[Aids]['end'] + self.idx[Aids]['start'])/2 plots.plotxy(figurename,x = midpos,y = radial,format=format, color = 'dodgerblue', linewidth=2, points=True, xlim=(0,np.ceil(self.idx[Aids[-1]]['end']*mega)), ylim=(0.1,0.9), xlab='Genome Position(Mb)', ylab='Radial Position', title=chrom, grid=True)
[docs] def save(self,filename): """ save all info into disk """ if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != '.hss': filename += '.hss' h5f = h5py.File(filename,'w') h5f.create_dataset('idx',data=self.idx,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('genome',data=pickle.dumps(self.genome)) h5f.create_dataset('usegrp',data=pickle.dumps(self.usegrp)) h5f.create_dataset('nbead',data=pickle.dumps(self.nbead)) h5f.create_dataset('nstruct',data=pickle.dumps(self.nstruct)) h5f.create_dataset('radius',data=self.radius,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('coordinates',data=self.coordinates,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('score',data=self.score,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('consecutiveViolations',data=self.consecutiveViolations,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('contactViolations',data=self.contactViolations,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('intraRestraints',data=self.intraRestraints,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.create_dataset('interRestraints',data=self.interRestraints,compression = 'gzip',compression_opts=9) h5f.close() return 0
if __name__=='__main__': pass # s = structuresummary("structures/model0/" , usegrp="p005j" , nstruct=10000) #'summary.hss') # #violations # print 'Violation Ratio:',s.totalViolations.mean()/s.totalRestraints.mean() # #heatmap # m = s.getContactMap() # m.plot('xx.pdf',format='pdf') # m.makeIntraMatrix('chr1').plot('xx.png') # #radial position # rp = s.getBeadRadialPosition(beads=range(len(s.idx)*2))