Alberlab API Reference


class alab.contactmatrix(filename, genome=None, resolution=None, usechr=['#', 'X'])[source]

A flexible matrix instant that supports various methods for processing HiC contacts

  • filename (str) – matrix file stored in hdf5 format or an integer for the matrix size to initialize an empty matrix instance
  • genome (str) – genome e.g.’hg19’,’mm9’
  • resolution (int) – the resolution for the hic matrix e.g. 100000
  • usechr (list) – containing the chromosomes used for generating the matrix

numpy 2d array – storing all infor for the hic contact matrix


numpy structure array – matrix index


str – the genome


int – resolution for the contact matrix

assignDomain(domain, pattern='')[source]

Load Domain information

  • domain (alab.files.bedgraph instance) – bedgraph for domain definition
  • pattern (str) – a string use to filter the flags in the bedgraph
fmaxScaling(fmax, force=False)[source]

use fmax to generate probability matrix for uniform fmax, simply divide the matrix by fmax and clip to 1 for neighbouring contact fmax P[i,j] = F[i,j]/min(fmax[i],fmax[j])

getDomainMatrix(domainChrom, domainStartPos, domainEndPos, rowmask, minSize=1, maxSize=None)[source]

Return a submatrix defined by domainChrom, domainStartPos, domainEndPos

  • domainChrom (str) – domain chromosome e.g. ‘chr1’
  • domainStartPos (int) – start position e.g. 0
  • domainEndPos (int) – end position e.g. 700000
  • minSize (int, > 0) – min domain size
  • maxSize (int, optional) – max domain size, in bins if the domain is larger than a given number of bins, this function will return None

return inter-chromosomal proportion of a given bin index

getfmax(method='UF', minSize=1, maxSize=2000, removeZero=False, boxplotTrim=False, offdiag=1, target='median')[source]

calculate fmax based on different methods

  • method (str) – NM #neighbouring max UF #uniform fmax
  • target (str) – ‘mean’/’median’

Identify interchromosome outliers’ cutoff Do an N round random choice as the original contact freq distribution and estimate the sample std for every contact freq If the sample std is larger than half of the frequency (contact #), lable this contact frequency as spourious cutoff is set to the number that first consecutive 2 non-spourious frequency from the right side (scan from high frequency to low)

iterativeFmaxScaling(domainAverageContacts=23.2, tol=0.01)[source]

Automatic fmax scaling to get domain level matrix and match the rowsum average domain level matrix to domainAverageContacts

krnorm(mask=None, force=False, **kwargs)[source]

using krnorm balacing the matrix (overwriting the matrix!)

  • mask (list/array) – mask is a 1-D vector with the same length as the matrix where 1s specify the row/column to be ignored or a 1-D vector specifing the indexes of row/column to be ignored if no mask is given, row/column with rowsum==0 will be automatically detected and ignored
  • large_mem (bool) – when large_mem is set to 1, matrix product is calculated using small chunks, but this will slowdown the process a little bit.
makeDomainLevelMatrix(method='topmean', top=10, removeOutlier=True)[source]

Use domain INFO to generate Domain level matrix

  • method (str) – “topmean” or “median”
  • top (int 0<top<100) – the top percentage to calculate the mean, top=10 means top 10% of the subdomain matrix
  • removeOutlier (bool) – option to remove outlier using 1.5IQR

substract a chromsome matrix given a chromsome name

Parameters:chrom (str, chromosome name e.g 'chr1') –
plot(figurename, log=False, **kwargs)[source]

plot the matrix heat map

  • figurename (str) –
  • log (bool) – if True, plot the log scale of the matrix if False, plot the original matrix
  • clip_max (float) –
  • clip_min (float) – 2 options that will clip the matrix to certain value
  • cmap ( instance) – color map of the matrix
  • label (str) – label of the figure
plotSum(figurename, outlier=False, line=None, **kwargs)[source]

Print the rowsum frequency histogram

  • figurename (string) – Name of the plot
  • outlier (bool) – option to select plotting the outlier line, only functioning if ‘line’ parameter is set to None
  • line (float/array/list) – draw vertical lines at a list of positions
plotZeroCount(figurename, **kwargs)[source]

return the index range for a give chromsome

removePoorRegions(cutoff=1, usepvalue=0.1, force=False)[source]

Removes “cutoff” percent of bins with least counts

  • cutoff (int, 0<cutoff<100) – Percent of lowest-counts bins to be removed
  • usepvalue (float, 0<usepvalue<1) – use this pvalue as correlation cutoff to remove bins bins whose pvalue greater than this cutoff will be removed

Save the matrix along with information in hdf5 file


Scale matrix so that average of cells is the given value. By default, the rowsum will be the number of rows/columns

smoothGenomeWideHighValue(w=3, s=3, p=3, z=5, force=False)[source]

Use power law smoothing function to smooth high spikes in chromosomes blocks

  • w (int) – the window size, the smoothing is computed using target +/- w
  • s (int) – weight of the location deviation
  • p (int) – power of the location deviation
  • z (int) – range of standard deviation to set cutoff
smoothInterContactByCutoff(cutoff, w=3, s=3, p=3, force=False)[source]

given the cutoff, run a power law smoothing for the interchromosome matrix for contacts > cutoff

vcnorm(iterations=1, mask=None, force=False)[source]
class alab.tadmodel(probfile, nucleusRadius=5000.0, chromosomeOccupancy=0.2, contactRange=1, level=None)[source]

A wrapper to do IMP modeling in TAD level beads

  • probfile (alab.matrix.contactmatrix instant) – probability matrix at TAD level, alab.matrix.contactmatrix hdf5 format is required
  • nucleusRadius (float) – radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm)
  • contactRange (int) – folds for surface-surface contact coefficient
  • level (loglevel,) – default:None will record everything during caculation debug, info, warning, error, critical are supported

Collapse chains around centromere beads

Parameters:rrange (float) – scale parameter in [0,1] for the radius limit
SimulatedAnnealing(hot, cold, nc=10, nstep=500)[source]

perform a cycle of simulated annealing from hot to cold

SimulatedAnnealing_Scored(hot, cold, nc=10, nstep=500, lowscore=10)[source]

perform a cycle of simulated annealing but stop if reach low score

cgstep(step, silent=False)[source]

perform conjugate gradient on model using scoring function sf

evaluateRestraints(restraintset, tolerance=0.05)[source]
mdstep(t, step, gamma=0.1, silent=False)[source]
mdstep_withChromosomeTerritory(t, step)[source]

perform an mdstep with chromosome terriory restraint

  • t (int) – temperature
  • step (int) – optimization steps
saveCoordinates(filename, prefix)[source]
savepym_withChromosome(filename, s=1, v=1)[source]
set_contactRestraints(actdist, kspring=1)[source]
set_excludedVolume(ksping=1, slack=10)[source]
shrinkingOptimization(drange, shrinkScore, minscore, interScale)[source]
class alab.modelstructures(filename, usegrp)[source]

Instance manipulating hdf5 packed model structures take .hms file generated by tad modeling

  • filename (str) – model result file *.hms
  • usegrp (str) – group label array, usually assigned with probability prefix like [‘1’,‘0.2’]
class alab.structuresummary(target, usegrp=None, nstruct=10000, pid=10, **kwargs)[source]

This class offers a series of methods to study the model structure populations.

  • target (str) – the output directory for population structures, containing copy*.hms files or can be seen as summary file *.hss
  • usegrp (str) – the probablility key used in modeling, e.g. p005j
  • nstruct (int) – number of structures to read
findBinIndex(chrom, start, end)[source]

To find bead indexes given a chromosome region

  • chrom (str) – chromosome, should match the .idx representation
  • start,end (int) – location range

Return type:

Bin indexes array, or None if there is no valid ones


Calculate mean radial position for every bead in structures, and differentiate diploid copy into A/B by inner or outer radial position

Parameters:nucleusRadius (float) – radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm)
Returns:Two 1-D array
Return type:mean radian position for all beads, and first array contains the inner bead in the diploid genome.

Calculate pairwise distance mean for each pair of beads in the structure population

Parameters:form (str) – the return form of the function ‘list’ return the list form ‘matrix’ return the matrix form
getBeadRadialPosition(beads, nucleusRadius=5000.0)[source]

Calculate radial position for every bead in the input list beads

  • beads (array-like) – list of all beads to calculate
  • nucleusRadius (float) – radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm)

M*N matrix – M = len(beads) N = number of structures in population

Return type:

radial position for all beads in the input and all structures in population

getChromosomeRadialPosition(chrom, nucleusRadius=5000.0)[source]

Calculate radial position for the chrom

  • chrom (str) – the chromosome to calculate
  • nucleusRadius (float) – radius of nucleus, default 5000(nm)

2N*1 vector

Return type:

radial position for the chromosome in all structures in population


Return contact matrix format contact heatmap

getPairDistance(bead1, bead2)[source]

Calculate pairwise distance across all structures

Parameters:bead1,bead2 (int) – two bead in a pair, input to calculate distance
Return type:numpy array that has distance for the bead pair.
plotRadialPosition(figurename, chrom, format='pdf', color='dodgerblue', nucleusRadius=5000.0)[source]

Plot Radial Position of beads for given chromosome

  • figurename (str) – name of the figure
  • chrom (str) – given chromosome name
  • color (str) – given the color for ploting

save all info into disk


returns: numpy array :rtype: all restraints for each structure


returns: numpy array :rtype: all violations for each structure


returns: numpy array :rtype: violation percentage for each structure


class alab.files.modelgroup(grouphandler, genome, idx)[source]